When I started the idea for this business I was pregnant with my son back in 2015, it had been an idea prior but pregnancy lit a fire under my ass, whether it was through fear of not being able to work when I had my son or hormones fueling the creative fire in me, who knows! I remember my husband saying to me... 'Why don't you wait until we move to LA to start it?' All I could say and think was, it will never happen if I wait. I had all my connections in London from 10 years in the beauty industry and that's how Ouli's was featured in Glamour, Vogue and many more magazines in its first 6 months of life. What I didn't know was how intertwined my story was with what I was creating. I didn't know how much it would teach me about myself. How much I would grow as a woman because of it. Maybe it is because I also became a Mother. I truly believe both motherhood and entrepreneurship have shaped the woman I am because in parallel both are teaching me about my challenges, my weaknesses and my strengths, patience and surrender everyday. Acceptance of what is in my control and what will unfold with time. It's challenging and beautiful. It comes with joy and sadness.
As a mother of 2 young children running this business as many without childcare, I do it because I believe in the positive impact my business can have on their future. I want to show my children that small businesses and corporations can do more for the world around them and I am hoping to continue to grow this company sustainably so it is something they will be proud of and hopefully it will become an ethical, good for you, staple in homes around the world.
I make a choice on a daily basis to be a Mother, first and foremost and an Entrepreneur, second. I accept I do a lot because, as a Woman I am capable of a lot and I also accept some days are quote unquote write offs because I'm not replying to emails or even thinking about the business. What I experience on those days is my family in full; their connection, their excitement and their passion for life. That's when things are put into perspective of what really is a priority for me. How I mother them and what I teach them about being Human. I have the opportunity to influence their future by nurturing who they are and teaching them to believe in themselves and their dreams as well as believing they can have it all.
I used to think being a strong woman was enough but now I know it is it not. I now understand that it is only enough, when I can believe in myself, witness my strengths and act upon them without fear of judgement from myself or from the outside world.
As we know strength is in numbers which is why I use my business as an opportunity to support women by working with women, collaborating with women creatives and hiring women.
I choose to challenge the gender bias by raising conscious humans and running a successful business with pride.